While I call it Memorial Day Mash-Up, I’ll admit to keeping the links to memorial day blog posts slim. For the record: I’m sorta/kinda a military brat, my father was in the Army for 20 years, and my step-father had been in the Air Force and Air Force reserves for many years. I absolutely support soldiers in their career choice, and hope those who make it home live great lives. That said, this memorial day, I’m thinking of a friend of my father’s.

Army Sgt. 1st Class Jeffery Rada

I’ll admit I didn’t know him nearly as well as my father or my brother, but I knew him well enough to like him and know his devotion. I hope his wife and children, and his extended family are doing well and that his sacrifice is never forgotten.

With no further ado:

Memorial Day–To Those Who Give the Ultimate Sacrifice « Kristen Lamb’s Blog Kristen Lamb’s thoughts on Memorial Day.

The Doomsday Save « Author Piper Bayard Are you waiting on a ‘Doomsday Save?’ Read the comments for some insightful confessions.

CNN: Twitter acquires TweetDeck for $40 million » Breaking News | Wire Update News | News Wires – Interesting news if you haven’t heard yet. Pertinent to everyone using TweetDeck!

Story Engineering by Larry Brooks: Reviewed | Kait Nolan Kait Nolan examining Story Engineering. Let me say if you haven’t read the book and you write, you really want to pick this one up. Kait Nolan’s review is excellent as well.

Benjamin Zander on music and passion | Video on TED.com Whether you like classical music or not, this is a must view TED video.