Being a blogger and a writer, I end up reading a lot of stuff on the internet. If it’s cool, or interesting, or weird, I’ll share it with you here!

Tentblogger: Blog Post Starter #8 What is ‘good enough?’ This professional blogger talks about it.

Inkpunks: Beta Readers: Best Practices A great break down on the basic types of beta reader and some thoughts about behavior.

Terribleminds: Flash Fiction Challenge: “From Mab to the Mysterious Three” Chuck Wendig’s weekly Flash Fiction Challenge. Have some fun!

TED: Kathryn Schulz: On Being Wrong This isn’t from this week, but I adore this video, and it’s got a lot of REALLY good thoughts!

NIDA Notes: Novelty Seekers and Drug Abusers Tap Same Brain Reward System, Animal Studies Show Really cool bit of research, if a bit frightening for those of us who like new things.

ProBlogger: The 5 Forgotten Keys to Extraordinary Blogging Success Great set of tips for blogging, and writing in general!

British Library: The Brontës’ secret science fiction stories Very cool information.

Okay, I admit it, I find almost everything I read interesting.