
You’re a writer, you’re on twitter, likely following #MyWANA (What, you’re not? Come check us out!), and you hear about this thing called Tweetdeck. So you open it up, get an account, try it out. And aren’t exactly sure what you’ve walked into!

This blog series exists for the sole purpose of walking you through Tweetdeck and making it work for you! As for making twitter work for your brand, you’ll need to ask Kristen Lamb, since I learned everything I know from her!


Your First Tweet From TweetDeck
Social Interaction on TweetDeck

Who’s There? The User Profile Pane
Hashtags: The Place to Meet
Show The World Your World: Picture Uploads
Columns and Searches
Bite-Sized Twitter Streams
Too Busy Then, Write Tweet Now!
Say Something: Video Uploads
TweetDeck Settings
General Settings
– Twitter Settings
Twitter Update Settings
– Control The Birds: Notification Settings
Personalize Your Deck: Colors/Font Settings
Services Settings
Social Network Command Chair: The Accounts Settings
Sync Settings
Global Filter Settings